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The Western Balkans Fund is looking to hire an External Evaluator – Udruženje mreža za izgradnju mira

 The Western Balkans Fund is looking to hire an External Evaluator, to help us in the evaluation and scoring process of the project proposals received in as part of the Call for Proposals of the ERC Grants.

 The ideal candidate is a professional, ideally with a background in working with other donors or EU-funded projects.

👏 Integrity, confidentiality and impartiality are necessary requirements.

🧩 All professionals from one of the Contracting Parties of the WBF are eligible to apply.

To apply, visit link in comments section 👇

🇪🇺 The ERC Grants are co-funded by the European Union, IPA – 🩶Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance III. 




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